Card of the week! Imperial Iron Wall!


Ahhhh those pesky dragon rulers… what are we going to about them. As they become more and more of a problem on DN Nd YGOPRO who don’t want to use them, we also try and find ways to shut/slow them down. Imperial Iron Wall can really help and should be side decked in any deck that doesn’t use remove from play alot.
Dragon ruler decks rely on removing cards from play to make most of their major plays. Requiring the removal of a mixture of 2 dragons or 2 monsters of their corresponding attribute to special summon from the hand or graveyard can allow insanely easy rank 7 plays. Start removing rulers and you also retain hand advantage a fodder for future plays all at the cost of… well in some cases… nothing.
Then Konami went and made things even worse and promoted the sales of their Dragon Ruler cards even more by printing Sacred Sword of Seven Stars.
Wow… really its like a Pot of Greed plus an elemental dragon of your choice… seriously Konami? You banned Statos who is a 0+ (and I guess maybe a near Heavy Storm) but made this? Its like graceful charity only you don’t have to discard and the third card Vnois toolboxed not just a random draw…
On top of that it shuts down the entire chaos engine. BLS, Chaos Sorcerer, Lightpulsar Dragon, etc.
On the other side of the coin, it allows for a number of offensive plays. It can be used to continually summon Plaguespreader as long as you have cards in hand. It can also be used to summon Quilbolt Hedgehog as lonf as you have a tuner. Combine the 2 and a Cannon Soldier to perform an effect damage OTK. Or combine with Little Swordsman of Isle for an infinite ATK combo.
Thats all for the card for now! Let’s here all of your thoughts on the card as well!

Posted on September 28, 2013, in card of the week, gaming, yu-gi-oh. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. As much as I hate paying $4-5 for a single card (yea, im that cheap), I think this would be worth having 3. If I planned to continue playing competitively I would definitely be siding a few Iron Walls. Luckily nobody at my locals plays Dragon Rulers.

    Not yet anyway . . .

    • Yea they were at 9 and have surprisingly dropped all the way to 4 with Joey’s world reprinting it. I had a playset from back in the day and they are all in my side deck lol. I actually won round 2 and 3 against a prohecy deck because it shut down his priestess and fate.

      • I can definitely see it serving a purpose. Maybe I’ll try to pick a few up in trades one weekend. Definitely going to try it out on DevPro though. Sick of Dragon Ruler, Plant Rulers, all of em.

      • Indeed. Plus with Lightsworn synchro and zombies both getting hot, it will serve well against those upcoming meta decks as well. I need to get a few more Devpro active followers and host a blog meet so we can all play against decks that arent ruler based lol. Btw rulers fall pretty easily to my black garden slifer deck. It runs wanghu and slifer to perform crowd control and black garden takes everything down to 1400 or less so everytime they summon I get a rose token and they get nothing. It also shuts down debris dragon and card trooper plays. Granted its inconsistent but im tweeking it down to a defined build. Any new decks in the works for you?

  2. I think a “blog meet” sounds pretty cool. I would definitely be interested in something like that. And the only new decks in the works are Fire Fist. Its almost done but not quite. I’ve been limited on my spending since we just bought a new gaming PC and we have to get our cars fixed and inspected this month. Kinda hitting the bank pretty hard! Probably wont be building anything new for a while . . .

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